Sadly, finals are here and it’s one of the most stressful times of the year. My finals actually got canceled because of covid and I’m honestly thankful. I know most people still have them so in today’s post I’m going to be sharing my lifesaving tips for surviving finals and actually getting some sleep! (sounds crazy, right?) Keep reading for the tips and don’t forget to comment and follow if you liked this post (:


online school tips

hey y’all!! since everyone is doing online school now I thought I’d give you guys some tips since I did online school for for 3 years and learned a TON of helpful info. so bookmark this post because you will use it ❤

Continue reading “online school tips”

September Review & August Goals



As is my custom at the beginning of each new month (that sounds so weird), I’m going to do a review of how September went and go over my goals for October!

September Review #1

Ooh, this one is lots of fun! I have quite a few photos that I took in September, so buckle down and enjoy the ride 🙂



September Review #2 (1)

August Review + September Goals

Calico Critters Photoshoot

A non-expert’s overview of Bible Journaling

How I write my blog posts

September Review #2 (2)

Goals from September:

  • Post 4 times on C & C ✔- I did this one! Check the “Posts this Month” section in this post to see what they were!
  • Post 4 times on QTE ✖ Nope! I’m actually taking a (hopefully temporary) break from QTE because I’ve been majorly busy. Hopefully next month I’ll have news along these lines to share with y’all- I have something really exciting coming up!
  • Send out a Monday email on the C & C mailing list twice✖ Nope! However, if you’re on the mailing list, you did get an email explaining some of the new changes 🙂
  • Participate in a challenge/giveaway on another blog ✖ No… If you’re hosting a giveaway or challenge on your blog, please let me know. I love participating in things like that !
  • Start using my school schedule ✔ Yup!! I did this one, but I changed up my school schedule just a bit.

September Review #2 (3)

Next week’s post is all about the Planner- YAY, but for now, I’m going to give y’all a little peek into my planner for October!



^ My adorable reading log. I’m writing this on the 3rd, so I’ve already added some fun books!

I know this is blurry and oh so behind-the-scenes, but this is reality when I was setting up my planner. Plus, if you read my How I write my blog posts post, you’ll recognize what’s up on my computer screen!! I really like this photo, which is weird because it’s really bad! But I love the reality of it 🙂

September Review #2 (4)

  • Start using the mailing list again- send out emails on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th (Mondays)
  • Use Habit tracker in planner
  • Use reading log in planner
  • Participate in a challenge/giveaway on another blog


Thanks for reading! What are your goals for October? Did you finish everything you planned to do in September?


Preparing for the school year// 8 tips and tricks


I can’t believe that summer is coming to a close already! My brothers start school on Monday, but luckily I still have a few more weeks since I start on the 28th. To help you prepare for that day, whenever it is for you (comment when you start school below) I decided to give you guys a few tips!


NOTE: I tried to make this tips applicable to any school situation, whether you go to public, private, online or home school (I know there are way more, okay!! Just a few of the main ones), so hopefully they will be applicable to your situation!



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This one is SUPER important, no matter what your school situation is. Even if you can’t control exactly what happens during your school day, you can still make a schedule/routine for your homework time, before school time, and after school time. And if you can control what happens during your school day, DO IT! Making a detailed plan helps you stay on track. Don’t forget to schedule breaks into your time too, however.

I generally like to make routines and schedules, because you have to accept the fact that there WILL be distractions, and there will be things that keep you from doing your work right on schedule. I would recommend giving yourself some buffer when you make your schedule. A good tip is to double the amount of time you think it will take, but that doesn’t always work out. Maybe 10-15 minutes of buffer is all you need.

QUICK TIP: Start implementing your schedule 2 weeks before you’ll actually start using it. If you’re used to sleeping in during summer like me (but I call sleeping in 8AM) than this is essential. To keep you awake, maybe watch a new show or listen to a new soundtrack that you haven’t listened to before.

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This isn’t absolutely essential but it does help a lot. Try to find your teacher’s email on your school’s website, go to back to school night (do they even have that past elementary school??), or send a letter to your school with your teacher’s name on it. I like to make it short and sweet because you don’t want to take up too much of your teacher’s planning time. In it, you should introduce yourself and ask a couple questions about the class.

QUICK TIP: When you introduce yourself, don’t just talk about your personality. One thing you can do is tell your teacher about your history with the subject (is it one of your favorites? Do you do well or not so well? Do you not like this subject?) Be real with your teacher. It’s always better if you can tell her/him instead of them having to figure it out.

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This will make you so much more motivated to start the school year. Here’s a few cute and useful supplies that you actually need!

  1. Plum Paper Planner
  2. Colorful mechanical pencils
  3. Plain binders + cute diy covers
  4. Colorful pencil pouch
  5. New art supplies you had your eye on
  6. Pilot G2 pens in ALL THE COLORS
  7. The amazing Pigma Micron (Sakura brand) pens

You could also grab some notebooks, but I recommend binders and writing your notes on notebook paper. I like how you can add and remove things and they last way longer, too.

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Okay, I admit it. This is mostly for fun. If you haven’t grabbed a cute planner yet, do that! Then, add in all of your classes and activities. Make your planner all ready to go for the first day of school! If you blog, then add in blog posts or anything like that for you. You don’t want to have to prepare your planner the night before school starts, so do it now!

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A couple weeks before school starts, make some outfits that you’d like to wear. Take pictures of them, and viola! You can put your lookbook in a special album on your phone/computer, you can add magnets and put it on a whiteboard in your closet, you can make a Pinterest board for them, you can make a poster of them, the possibilities are ENDLESS. Next time you’re wondering what to wear, you have a bunch of outfits already prepped!

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This is really helpful! You can make a list on your computer and print it out or hand letter a cute list that has ideas for easy, quick, and healthy meals and snacks. That way you know exactly what to have. You could even put the amount of time it takes from start to finish, including eating, so that you can choose something that fits into your time frame.

QUICK TIP: Prep snack baggies of veggies or something else that’s healthy to make it even easier that opening a bag of chips. When you have healthy goodies prepped beforehand, you’re more likely to eat healthier. Awesome, right?

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This can be as simple as printing out some cute artwork and organizing your desk, but it is so helpful on the first few days to have a comfy, clean, and cute space to do your work. Whether it’s your desk, locker, reading nook, or homework area, this will make a big impact! You’ll feel more motivated to get things done, and who doesn’t want that?

QUICK TIP: Print out cute seasonal decor from Pinterest or something of the sort. You can spend one afternoon making loads of decor pieces, then store them somewhere. For each holiday, simply hang up the decor you already have prepared. Of course this isn’t essential, but it’s so much fun!

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This only takes a few minutes, but learning some new cute do’s will help so much in the mornings. You can also practice makeup looks. Simple but SO helpful!

QUICK TIP: Make a hairstyles or makeup lookbook as well and hang it up in your bathroom or vanity.



Hopefully these tips will help you out. I’m certainly not an expert but I will be implementing these tips in my own life!

Also: I used a lot of Watermelon Script (font) in this post. Do you think it conflicts with the blog design + different fonts? Please let me know below.


My Complete Review+ Thoughts on Omnibus 1

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I’m sure y’all have hear me talk about how much I love Omnibus, but today I’m going to unpack and critique it to find out what I really think about it.

If I said it in 7 words, it would be “I love it, but it’s really hard.” Get ready, though, because today’s post is going to be MUCH more than 7 words.


An Overview of Omnibus 1

Here’s the “Getting Started” document on the course page (it’s the same for Omnibus Primary and Omnibus Secondary, which I’ll go over in a minute)

Welcome to your Omnibus ________ Self-Paced Course!
Click the lessons on the left to proceed through your course. Reading
assignments are given at the end of each lesson and are also listed in the
document posted on this course page so you can look ahead.
Omnibus Primary courses have 175 lessons. If you complete five lessons
per week, the course can be completed in 35 weeks. Lessons will take
45-60 minutes, and you will want to allow for extra days for the midterm
and for the final exam. (Omnibus Secondary courses have 105 lessons.
They are intended for a three-day per week schedule.)

Your grade in Omnibus ______ is based on various graded assessments.
Many lessons have short, 10-question quizzes. The last lesson of some
of the books you will study will have a longer book test. These will be
broken into three sections: Grammar, Logic, and Lateral Thinking
questions. In these tests, the Logic questions are weighted more heavily
than the Grammar questions, and the Lateral Thinking questions are
weighted more heavily than both.
The Midterm and Final exams are formatted in the same way as the book
tests, and are each worth 20% of your final grade in the course (40%

First of all, the difference between Omnibus Primary and Omnibus Secondary. They’re meant to go together, and if you complete them in the same year, you get History, Logic, and Reading credits for that year.

Omnibus Primary is really deep and meaty, and really hard. There’s more lessons and the tests and quizzes are harder and come more often. However, Omnibus Primary is really important. I really enjoyed doing it but found myself getting not the best grades. Some of the books that are included in Omnibus 1 are The Histories of Herodotus (spent 5 weeks on that one) and The Last Days of Socrates (totally random off the top of my head).

Omnibus Secondary is also quite deep, but honestly, more fun. In it, we read books like the Chronicles of Narnia and Till we have Faces (both by C. S Lewis!). It was hard, but the lessons were easier and there wasn’t so much packed into each lesson, which helped my grades a little bit. I enjoyed it more, but that’s to be expected.


Lesson Formatting

I recommend checking out to try out some sample lessons. I chose self paced, which means I could do it anytime, but didn’t have a live teacher. The lessons were prerecorded and included many interactive games and activites. The teachers talked to you, and you went on many field trips where the lessons were recorded in different places. For example, I’ve been to Greece MANY, MANY times, met President Obama (for real) and also met hundreds of other people. It’s super cool!


What did I NOT like?

I’ve raved over how much I love it, but here’s what I don’t like about Omnibus 1 Selfpaced.

  • The reading was a lot, and when you combine both Primary and Secondary, that’s multiple hours of reading daily. I didn’t love how much time this took (I read really fast, too!)
  • There was no live teacher. When I had a question or a problem, I had to figure it out on my own.
  • Tech issues were hard to overcome. I was once stuck on a lesson for 2 days because there was a tech issue. I finally figured it out, however.
  • You can’t repeat tests. The tests are also only 10 questions, so if you miss 3 questions, you get a 70. I have gotten that many times and it’s very discouraging!


All in all…

I recommend Omnibus 1. I will say that I was a little young for it but I loved it anyway. My grades weren’t awesome (81 and 86) which is very discouraging, but I know I learned a lot. I think that you should try the sample lessons to see how it would go. I know I’ll be doing Omnibus 2 next year!


April Recap + May Goals

Hi guys! Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my previous post(s).


April recap

Sadly, I don’t have goals to recap for this month 😦

This month’s posts:

YOU can help pregnancy centers

Collab with Megan @Animal Wonders Blog

I’m launching an email list??

To the woman that’s had an abortion

Quick update

Yay, I posted 5 times this month! That’s my goal, so I’m so glad that I accomplished it. I had 1 Monday post and 4 Friday posts, again, my goal! That’s great.

This month’s stats:

Total followers: 62 Yay, we passed 50!

Top three countries:

America wins with 278 views

Malaysia comes to a close second with 23 views, and

India gets 3rd place with 15 views. Wow, Malaysia and India? That’s so cool! I was definitely expecting America, Canada, and another country to be the top 3, but that’s not what happened!

Views: 333 Wow, what a cool number! 

Visitors: 106 Wow, it’s amazing that 106 different people viewed my blog this month. That’s amazing!

Likes: 92 That’s not great, but it’s high for me! Also, it evens out to about 18 likes per post, which is pretty good.

Comments: 108 WHAT? There are more comments than likes, which is super crazy and funny. This one evens out to about 22 comments per post, which is great!!

Those are this month’s stats. I think that this month was awesome stats wise.


May Goals:

  1. Use my bullet journal every day, with the exception of 1 day per week. I don’t normally bullet journal on Saturdays or Sundays, but this month I want to bullet journal on Saturdays too. 
  2. Review my new planner. I have a special review planned for this month… get ready!
  3. Write 5 posts for this month.
  4. Plan ahead 2 posts for June. I want to take a vacation, but still post for you guys!
  5. Post some photography. I just got my first ‘real’ camera, so I’m really loving taking pictures.
  6. Clean out my desk and computer files from school things. I only have  1 more week of TPS and 2 of Veritas, so this month I need to finish up school things.
  7. Send out emails every Monday and Friday this month. This will be a lot, but I think I can do it.

Thanks for reading!


In which two homeschooled bloggers collab

Recently, Ariana and I found out that we go to the same school: VSA!! (Veritas Press Academy in case you didn’t know)

So, we decided to do a home/online school collab.

My answers will be in this color, and Ariana’s will be in this color.

Warning: You are going to ENJOY this!!!


Have you been homeschooled all your life?
Nope! My mom taught me to read when I was 3, and she taught me for 1st grade. Then, long story short, we had a family crisis, so I went to school for the 2-4th grades. I’ve been homeschooled for the last few years though.

Yes! Till the day I die. (Song reference), lol. But, yes, I have. 😃


What is your favorite thing about homeschooling?
I definitely agree with Ariana’s answer. So true!! I also love the flexibility and added family time.

Hum…in homeschooling I am taught how to think, not what to think. Some schools just teach for test, not for life.


What is your favorite subject?
#Omnialltheway I think it’s safe to say that I’m an Omnibus fan… LOL!

History, history, history. 😊


Do you play an instrument? If not, do you want to?
I do play an instrument… piano! I’ve been doing it for 6 years now?

I am learning to play the guitar.  It is really fun!


Are there times when you don’t want to be homeschooled?
Sometimes… when I go into my emotional girl moments… XD! But overall, no! I love being homeschooled.

Hum…no, not really.


Do you do a co-op?
Not unless you count VSA.

No idea what is, so no.


Is your mom your only teacher?
Nope! I have 6 teachers besides her.

No, I do VSA.


Did you enjoy this? I know it was short, but it was fun to write. I hope that Ariana and I will do more collabs in the future!


Did you enjoy hearing me fangirl over Omnibus?? Let me know down in the comments if you are an #OmniGirl!!