🏆 Camp NaNo Update | Did I Win? 🏆

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Do you want to know my goal?? 5K!! *crickets*


Okay, I know my goal wasn’t a lot (are you kidding Christina 5K is nothing compared to what most writers do…) but still. I WON. *more crickets*


Anyway, I suppose you want to hear all about my story (just kidding I know you don’t) so… let’s get started!!

My story’s name is… untitled. Yes, that’s correct! I have NO idea what to call it. Also… I haven’t even finished plotting/outlining it so I don’t really what will happen. xD

Someday I’ll post a professional introduction to my story, but this post is going to be fun and… I’m not sure. Anyway.

Novel Inspo Board (1)

This is my inspo board for my entire novel… As you can see, it’s mainly focused around books, friendships, and a teensy bit of romance. 😂

Aria Style Board

Aria (the main character)’s style board isn’t the best, but hopefully it gives you a little peek into her style. I mostly just made this for my own reference, though!

Aria Wedding 2

Hm… why would Aria be wearing a wedding dress? (HINT HINT) This was so fun to make!


ARIA ^^ This was also fun to make, even though I would prefer her looking towards the front rather than the side. Oh, well.


Goals for *untitled novel*

These are my goals for my untitled novel 😂

  1. Come up with a title (or at least three options) by May 1, 2019
  2. Come up with a summary/plot (short) by May 1, 2019
  3. Finish outlining all chapters by June 1, 2019
  4. Finish rough draft of book (all chapters) by July 1, 2019
  5. Begin editing/re-writing book by August 1, 2019
  6. Get book ready for official re-write/edit by November 1, 2019 (just in time for NaNo!!
  7. Have copy of book ready for alpha/beta readers by December 31, 2019

I’m really scared and excited to see what will happen with my untitled novel!!

Thank y’all for your support (and of course, my AMAZING cabin!!) ❤❤


26 thoughts on “🏆 Camp NaNo Update | Did I Win? 🏆

  1. That’s awesome, Christina!! Do not beat yourself up about you 5k. That still is awesome!! I did not win Camp Nanowrimo and I was at the bear minimum of 30 hours (I was working on editing). I only did 10 of the 30 hours………

    I cannot wait for your book. It sounds amazing!! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so glad you did so well on your novel! I didn’t get to my goal, because I was busy, so I’m going to lower it and see what I can do. The problem was I didn’t have much of an idea for my story and it got kind of boring. But I’m hoping to start a new, fresh novel for May!! 😀 I believe we’re in the same cabin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Arabella! That’s okay, we all have those times right? I know how you feel – I actually changed my story… I’m sure it will be great! I think so 🙂

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  3. okay, i’m OFFICIALLY obsessed with this novel based on Aria’s moodboards alone. Random shot in the dark….can you throw me on the betas list? Would love to see where this goes ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey, 5k is nothing to laugh at!! 😀 Can’t wait to see where this novel goes… I’d love to read it someday! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. WHAT IS NANOWRIMOFACILITEDADO or whatever that is? xD I literally have no idea what people are doing and your sis is intrigued. Good luck on this project and aah I can’t wait to read it!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ummmm excuse me my dear, 5k is nothing to sneeze at. NOTHING. 5k is WONDERFUL and ahhhh you won! Congrats! And those moodboard adhfljkgHAUJKLAHGNAIJKGNK I WANNA READ

    Liked by 1 person

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